For a change of pace, we stopped at a Sonic rather than, well, any other fast food place. I don't usually think of Sonic when I think fast food, so it wasn't an entirely bad choice, because I like variety - even if it is of the fast food kind. What's more is that Sonic has breakfast, and I'm a big fan of breakfast.
Unfortunately, they don't do it well.
While the staff is very friendly in the drive-in format (missing only the roller skates), they are probably one of the worst for putting up a picture of something on the menu board and then delivering something that looks about as far from that item as possible.
I ordered a breakfast burrito of some kind and what I got looked nothing at all like what was on the board. It had all the ingredients, but there is no way what I received could ever have been made to look like what was on the menu board.
It might have tasted the same, but it looked like slop. Very disappointing indeed.