| - I've given myself a couple days to think about review so that I can give you both the pros & cons.
Firstly, I am probably the least pickiest person when it comes to my eyebrows. I have only been unhappy with the shape of my brows maybe 3 times, and I've been getting them threaded for the past 14 years. #IndianBrowBush
Fast forward to Sunday, my lovely Shila was not in at my regular place and I read all these 5 star reviews from other yelpers and thought - DAMN. Maybe I can check this place out too!
Entering, it was half an hour to closing time and I was approached by someone who later introduced herself as Meena? *don't quote me* I sat down and told her to just clean my brows - which I thought was standard for - don't touch the shape, just pluck the hair...but apparently not. (And I say standard based on not just the lingo my regular and I use, but the lingo that is used in Los Angeles, India, Pakistan, SFO, Sacramento, etc)
Anyways, that nano moment with the mirror at the end of my session wasn't enough for me to notice that my right brow was distinctively thinner than my left brow. I noticed it in the car on the drive home, and my sister pointed it out the moment I stepped into my house.
However, I understand that this must not happen every time and therefore I will give this place the benefit of the doubt. It's in an isolated location off of Coronado Center; the suite is spacious & the thread they used was almost painless.
I will be going to my regular from now on though, hoping she can make my brows looks like twins & not cousins.