| - I LOVE going to this place for brunch! They offer some traditional Mexican favorites, such as chorizo, chilaquiles, and machaca. The dishes are really flavorful, and don't require a liberal use of salt (something that is rare for me!). They also offer healthy fares and the traditional stuff like waffles, pancakes, etc. The coffee is good, but not great.
In my opinion, this particular location has yet to hit its stride; I think the main set-back is that the restaurant decor doesn't match the ambiance of the restaurant, e.g., the black leather dinner chairs seem to be at odds with the home cooked food.
Nonetheless, I really, REALLY hope that more people discover this location and start making it out. The restaurant is clean, the food is good, the employees are friendly, and the service is great. And it blows Denny's and all those other crappy breakfast diners away.