| - I don't even know where to start. I went there 3 times, as it's close to where I live and there is a serious epidemic with people in AB having no family doctor. That's so goes:
Visit 1:
Made an appointment to see a doctor taking new patients. Showed up and they had forgotten to tell me that while I waited the couple weeks to get in to see her, she had "filled up"....ok, I don't get it.
Visit 2:
Went in to see a doctor regarding lower abdominal pain. Persistent, crippling pain & vomiting, after intercourse etc...AND I have an IUD. Thinking that it might be a serious problem I decide to go in. And here's what I get:
2.5 hour wait (yes I walked in). TWO crackheads sitting in there and I have no idea why however, after seeing how loosely prescriptions are thrown around in there, I have a feeling that this is our friendly neighbourhood "drugstore". I get into one of the exam rooms and wait about another 10 minutes. Room smells like cigarette smoke. Doctor appears, makes little-to-no eye contact and completes a 5 second pelvic exam through my clothes. Doesn't ask any questions, but I let him know the pain was on my right lower abdomen. He plugged in this plastic card around his neck (similar to that of the slot machine zombies in Vegas casinos) typed in something and told me to go and get an ultrasound. He handed me a requisition and I left. ***no he did not mention what to do after the ultrasound.
I got home with the requisition and realized that the doctor hadn't listed to me at all, he noted my pain on the LEFT side. I was horrified.
***a few days later I went to an ultrasound in the Mayfair Medical building where thankfully, the tech was sweet enough to interpret what she could, being careful to note she wasn't licensed to do so however, the IUD appeared to look like it was in the right place***
3.5 weeks and nothing, no call, no follow up. I decided to call the clinic and try to make an appointment to get in. They told me I could only walk in.
Visit 3:
I entered the building and gave my name and proceeded to try and find a seat that didn't have DRIED PUKE on it. The place was packed full of sick people. I waited about 1 hour this time and then was called in.
I waited about 5 minutes in the exam room and in walked Dr. Nandi. He walked in, left the exam room door OPEN, plugged that stupid card thing into the computer, flicked a form up and down and said " well, there's nothing in the ultrasound".
I noted to him his error on the form, that I was still in pain, and very worried about being in worse trouble than what I knew. He was indifferent. He flicked the PDF on the screen up and down again (so fast there is no way he could have read it) and said, "well there's nothing here".
I then asked what I should do next as I was thinking of getting my IUD out. He told me "ya we can pull it out here, you just come back tomorrow".....right, like I"m going to trust removing a miniature grappling hook from my uterus to an MD that doesn't know left from right.
I said I wanted to think about it, but in the meantime what could I do. The JERK pulled out an RX pad, scribbled on it and handed it to me. "He said here, take one of these after intercourse if you're in pain". I asked him what it was Lorazepam - ATIVAN. How the hell was this supposed to help me when it's a highly addictive benzie meant for short term relief of issues for epileptics and sedation of violent outbursts?????
I stormed out of the office into the waiting room where I promptly tore the sheet up in front of everyone there, shook my head and said unbelievable. Then exited.
I will never EVER go here again. I whole heartedly suggest that no one who reads this does either.
PS - they are getting their staff to post good reviews.