Hello, my name is Donny and I'm a bacon addict.
No, I'm not in bacon eaters anonymous nor do I ever want to be!
Just know this review is based off of one donut, and it was divine. The best Bacon-Maple donut I've had yet. They didn't overcook the bacon and crumble it up and use as sprinkles. No, they cut the chewy fatty strip of bacon into little "Mini me" strips of bacon and then pile it on! And the maple icing isn't some gross maple flavor either. I'm not a fan of the maple donut at all. But this was awesome!
Now, as a donut fan, this place has some very unique flavor combo's never seen before. I held back and only ordered one donut (extreme willpower) based on the demanding day ahead of me (didn't need a carb coma) but I am so looking forward to going back to sample! And the chicken + donut combo sounds better than chicken & waffles. I'll try to update after a few more visits.