We had Sundance parking reserved but the lot was full so they moved us to SHAP. Everyone there was nice and there was no issue honoring our other reservation or the lower price. Our driver, Fred, was exceptionally nice. I would have given 2 stars if he wasn't so professional. There was no problem being dropped off and the shuttle was quick and efficient. The problem arose when we were picked up on Sat night about 8pm. The airport was super busy as was the courtesy shuttle waiting area. The first shuttle came just as we were walking to the queue area and we were next to board but it was full. The driver apologized and said more shuttles were on the way. The next shuttle arrived about 15 mins later but by this time there were about 25 people waiting to board. Fortunately for my party of 3, we happened to be standing in the right place to be able to board first with only minimal aggressiveness used. The shuttle was already half full so only a few boarded. There was anger from the others who said they had been waiting and 3 shuttles passed them up. Fred was very apologetic to them and understanding and I felt bad for him, but what could he do? He eventually had to end the conversation and assured everyone he had called for more shuttles. The blue sky and parking spot shuttles arrived at about 3 for every 1 of the SHAP shuttles which was frustrating. Why would SHAP not be adequately staffed to handle a very busy night. They know how long everyone will be parking there so they should have enough drivers. Another concern is the lack of order at the airport courtesy vehicle pickup area. Rather than have the aggressiveness and anger and unsafe mob all rushing to a still moving shuttle, how about have an orderly line with ropes so the anxiety is lessened and everyone knows it will be a fair process to board? Maybe this is just how it is, but I think it could be a lot better and more well organized.