in this large space are housed many bikes of different sizes, shapes, prices, and expertise. igor the bike thief would have a field day.
it appears that they have a lot of variety in every aspect of the cyclists needs. youll find over half a dozen helmets from skater helmets to regular cycling helmets, all, guaranteed to be safe and make you look as nerdy as possible.
in each category of bike essentials they have variety. kryptonite and bike guard and many choices within each brand are available. theres a wall devoted to baskets for bikes both in wicker, metal and plastic.
i could go on, but really the stock is plentiful and it seems to be in a good area of town, as anyone who knows kensington knows that you are constantly dodging bikes as a pedestrian.
i havent shopped here yet or given my bike for servicing but it seems like id be in good hands.