| - This store is not one I shop at frequently for several reasons, the primary one being the removal of self-service checkouts and the so-called (terribly misnamed) Express checkout line they replaced them with. Yes, there's nothing like hold a pound package of ham and waiting behind 4 or 5 people with full baskets.
However, what happened on Friday, August 4, 2017, put me off the store permanently. Let me say I was having a really good morning. I swam, I went to the doctor, and I picked up fresh veggies at Sprouts. On my way home I decided to stop at Safeway and pick up chicken breasts and soup. I got the soup and went to the meat counter. The service person behind the meat counter (and that term, "service," is a sarcastic reference, not an accurately descriptive one) was just finishing with another customer, who took his purchase and then left. The "service" man said nothing to me, and all I did was smile and say a very pleasant "Good morning" - JUST TO BE NICE. He said nothing for a moment but gave me the stink-eye, then he said, "I know you're there - I can see you." He wasn't joking. I was taken aback and apologized and started walking off. I turned and said something like "What's wrong with you?" He chuckled - CHUCKLED! He didn't say please ma'am, come back - what can I get you? or anything remotely pleasant or PROFESSIONAL. He had a smirk on his face and looked at me like I was a stupid piece of garbage.
I took my three cans of soup to the (so-called) express checkout: shocker - no one was there, so I went to the service desk and had them ring it up. Usually, when I encounter crappy service, I just blow it off and walk away. This time I did not.
I had them call the manager, and met Brittney (sic): she was lovely, and kind, and horrified at my story. She took me into her office and I told her the details, and she apologized profusely and offered to get my two chicken breasts at no cost. I declined twice; she persisted, and I accepted her generous offer. She asked if I would be willing to write down what happened, and I said of course. I wrote a page of the story and details, gave her my name and telephone number, and then left the store. In my letter I made it clear that I would NEVER order anything from the meat department again if that man was working there at the time.
This type of attitude and service is better reserved for, well, nothing: it is unwarranted in any situation, and certainly should not be imposed on a paying customer who did nothing wrong.
The experience ruined my day, a day I was enjoying. At this point I can't envision why I would want to go back when there are grocery stores that don't treat their customers like crap.
Thank you, Brittney, for your kindness and respect