I feel more at home at The Rock than I do with my own relatives LOL. All the members of this church is an extension of my own family. You know when you go to church you walk in and blend in with the crowd? You're asked by the pastor to say hello to the people around you. Next thing you know the service is over and you invisibly pass people and out the door you go and on to the rest of your week. That is NOT what happens at the Rock. People are genuinely interested in your life. You cannot come in without meeting every single person there. Friendships grow and bloom in this environment. It's all about the PEOPLE, Helping one another grow spiritually, heal emotionally, fill that void in our lives. Plus, PC (Pastor Chris) keeps it REAL!!! The word is the word. There is no straying from what the Lord is communicating to us. I have never felt more whole or at peace in my entire life. I Love this Church!!! I ham non-stop learning here.