This store has an expired food problem. On two separate occasions, I stumbled upon really expired food. One was a package of bacon, and I didn't see anyone around, so I pulled it out, and left it there with the big bold expiration date face up, and when I went back the next day, it was put back on the food rack.
The other time I was shopping for soup, and I knew to make sure the food was not expired based on my previous experience with this store. 3 different types of soup that I happened to pick up were expired, the oldest on being a container of campbell's soup that expired December 2012. The current month and year is October 2013, so for 10 or so months they didn't check these containers of soup. Gross.
Also, both the bacon and the packages of soup were on sale. That seems like quite a coincidence. Does County Market know these things are expired and do they put these expired items on sale knowingly because they do not want to pay for the loss themselves and want to then put it onto their shoppers?