| - How can you talk about Madison without talking about the Memorial Union Terrace. This is arguably one of the greatest places to kick back and relax, and the glue that ties madisonianites together.
In the summer, spring, and fall, the terrace is a beautiful lakeside hangout that appeals to just about anyone who loves a little outdoors time. Whether you want to go for a walk down the scenic path, sit at a table with friends and enjoy a pitcher of authentic Wisconsin beer, listen to a live band, or watch a movie on the big screen, the terrace can provide it. It tends to support a large crowd, especially on nicer nights, but if you're ok with a lot of socializing and possibly some music playing, your in for a fantastic treat.
Almost everyone I've brought here in the 19 on and off years I've lived in Madison has loved it. I think part of the appeal is that people are always in such good spirits down there, with the combination of the view, the campus, and Madison's personalities. The bands that play on weekends can vary, so it's helpful to look some of that info up ahead of time if you're in the mood for a specific genre. I've heard everything from latin jazz to rap to metal, to alternative, etc. The movies play during a good portion of the summer, and a lot of them are college classics but there is a rogue pick or two mixed in (I think their is some kind of voting system you can be a part of to decide which movies but I honestly can't remember)
You can also rent boats, and the Terrace is just a block away from state street.
Bottom Line, if you live, visit, or stop through Madison, don't miss the Terrace.