Livid. My 17 year old daughter went with a group for a birthday dinner tonight. None of them had ever been there before. They were inadvertently served the next tables appetizers. They didn't know that breadsticks weren't standard issue (think any Italian restaurant). Then, when a couple more came out, meatballs, etc, they realized this wasn't right and a "manager" came over. He informed the group of kids that it was a bussers fault and that if HE was served food that wasn't his, he would have asked questions. He then proceeded to tell them that he would "only" charge them for the cost of the food. THIS IS A GROUP OF TEEN GIRLS confronted by an authority type figure. They paid the bill, since they don't have a confrontational bone in their collective bodies. So good on you, asswipes, for taking dog washing and babysitting money from a group of teen girls. If an adult was there, would this have happened? This is how you treat locals? PATHETIC.