Recommended by a coworker and thought it would be cool for a date night, something new. A little far from home but the drive wasn't too bad considering the location is in the middle of nowhere. No line up due to the colder nights so October would be good time to go before it gets too cold. The parking lot itself can use a little work. It was hard to navigate around the parking lot and there are no signs to tell you which parking lot you need to be in and it is complete dark even before the movies had started. Once you found your spot and settled in, it's not so bad. Each row is tilted slightly upwards to face the tall screen.
They don't allow outside food or drinks but we had some snack and take out before heading in. Preventing patrons from bringing in their own choice of snack and drinks in a drive-in is kind of silly but I can appreciate their food service; there is a cart that drives around selling popcorns.
Paid $12/person to watch two movies. Not too bad! Some of the things that annoyed me were ppl that constantly flash their headlights and the washrooms are not exactly clean.
Tip: if you are going to be watching two movies, dress in comfortable clothing and bring a blanket unless you want to leave your car running for 5 hours!