| - I hate going to my primary doctor, let alone urgent care, so a trip to the ER is a nightmare. This happens to be the hospital closest to my house, so when I needed to make a trip to the ER on a Thursday night, I headed there.
Now, I don't have a lot of experience with ERs, but this one lives up to every stereotype I have in my mind....
The check-in staff was rude and totally unhelpful, almost as if they were trying to downplay what I was complaining about (funny thing is that the sign on the wall says to let them know if it could be a stroke - and with my symptoms, it could very well have been, but they weren't worried. Luckily, it wasn't - at least not yet).
There was nobody in the waiting room, so I was glad that the wait was not very long. But any wait at all is too long when you are in pain. The triage nurse was ridiculous. I am very good with pain, and she actually had the nerve to tell me that I seemed too calm to be in actual pain. That is when I lost it. Um, don't tell me what I am feeling. Do you want me yelling and screaming about it so you can't get any information or history out of me? I started crying immediately. I am sure working in the ER is difficult, but it is not my idea of fun to just "stop by" at midnight on a Thursday for a visit, so please take me seriously. Plus, I left work to go there....
I have been seeing a neurologist for the headaches I've been having and I have a spinal tap scheduled for Monday, but over the last few days the headache has become unbearable, hence my visit to the ER. I am not sure what I wanted them to do - they are DOCTORS, I thought maybe they could figure that out. But, the Doctor basically just told me that it didn't seem as if there was any urgent problem (um, once again, thanks. This horrible, throbbing pain in my head and increased blurriness in my right eye isn't a problem at all), and that if I'd had an aneurism or stroke, it would've been apparent by now. Gee, THANKS. The point is, my neurologist thinks that I have increased intracranial pressure, which can lead to major issues if untreated, and beyond the pain I am feeling, it is scary.
He basically told me that there was nothing he could do, other than prescribe me pain medication (so, nothing), and that I should just follow up with my neurologist.
I guess that I would have to be having a stroke or heart attack or be bleeding in order for anything to be done here or for anyone to show some compassion. Total waste of my $50 copay. And I still have this massive headache.