I've got a couple of jerk cats. One had a stank tooth. The other keeps peeing on things. Both had butt worms. We took them here as it's close to our house (my kitties do not tolerate the car).
The vets cleared up the wormies, removed stank tooth, and then suggested a ton of kidney tests for pee-crazed cat. I get it, they have to rule out the bad stuff before they feel comfortable prescribing some no-pee pills. I'm not bothered by that. Fixing broken kitties can be expensive.
But, they kept hounding us to add on additional tests and things. When you're concerned about your friends, and you're all emotional thinking that they will somehow pee themselves to death, you don't need the constant barrage of sales tactics. Their pushiness worked--we were pushed away. We'll be finding another vet to hopefully contain the fountain of urine that streams forth from our defective cat.