I reaaaalllllly enjoy Jap curry so I was super excited to try out this curry specialty restaurant. However I must say I was disappointed both with food and with service. As with the norm we got really polite Jap service but I don't think the waitresses had the hang of things when I was there. After taking my order (got the pork cutlet curry) I was asked what I wanted as a drink and I said water. She never came back with my water. Then my bf asked for water again (he didn't know I asked once already cause he was in the washroom) and she actually came out with a single cup of water, and actually returned later to remark at how funny that was at which point I took the opportunity to finally get some water for myself. (Sigh).
But onto the food! I was disappointed because the curry was not the golden creamy goodness I was expecting. Instead it was dark and kind of chunky I would say. When I saw it I was like, hmm, maybe the taste will blow my mind then since it looks so different. Nope. Just tasted like normal curry to me. Nothing special to differentiate it as a specialty store in my humble opinion.
Overall not a restaurant I would go out of my way to try. Maybe out of convenience or if Sansotei next door has a line or something.
(SIDENOTE: I thought I was just ignorant and that this dark sauce must be the legit stuff but I saw a vid of this really famous curry place in Japan and they had the golden creamy sauce I'm used to. Perhaps this dark sauce is a regional thing. Someone let me know 'cause I'm curious!)