Our story starts at the DMV on flamingo. We waited twenty minutes in line to get to the information desk to find out we need a million different things when transferring vehicle registration from California to Nevada. DMV Made Easy had their huge trucks parked outside and we decided to give them a try. They are located about three blocks from the DMV and inside the 76 Gas Station. So basically what their service is that they take care of all the headache and punishment that is normally associated with any DMV and make it super easy on the customer. We were initially confused about the process because Alex(the person helping us) said all we need to do is pay and all our paperwork, license, and driver's license would be transferred over to Nevada. We asked Alex a million questions and he answered all of them in the most professional manner. I suggest you also do the same(ask million questions) because you can never be too sure. Go in and ask for Alex! Make sure to ask him a million questions! If you don't have a million questions, one thousand questions is fine too.