This is my first visit to this convention center since its renovation a few years back. i went to see the Home and Garden show. You can either purchase your tickets online or right as you enter.
I learned that if you park at Heinz field lot 1 for $7.00 they offer free continual shuttle service right to the front door so you don't have to walk far to enter. The show is on two levels and is very easy to get lost in. Your "map" is actually a section of the newspaper where hundreds of vendors are listed sometimes more than once.
My daughter who was with me helped me locate certain ones since the floor is marked with the beginning number of the row. Still there is entertainment and food galore. We decided not to eat there since they tend to be overpriced. Everyone of course is vying for your business. They do have sections marked if you are looking for kitchen, bathroom, etc. The whole first floor is devoted to landscaping hot tubs, and outdoor projects.
We were able to find on the 2nd floor several unique train exhibits with the old Lionel trains some of which blew their whistle and smoke came out of the engine.
The displays around the tracks were very interesting. I was most intrigued with the one devoted to Disney World complete with monorail going through the Contemporary Resort. On the other side of this exhibit was the old Sarasota circus train complete with the parade and under the big top! it was like be transported back into time. These displays alone were worth the cost of admission itself.
There is a play and entertainment area for children so there is something for everyone.
I ended up as usual buying a few things from local Pittsburgh artist Linda Barnicott and collecting a few brochures for kitchen cabinetry. You can spend hours there and the place does fill up.
They also have a coat check area if you want to hang your coat for $2.00. I was thrilled to visit it and will come back next year even if it is just for the trains. Yes, Thomas the tank engine is there as well!