| - We usually end up going here every year to pick our own apples. There are no organic pick-yer-own orchards in the Madison area, the nearest one being a 4 hour drive, so integrated pest management is the next best thing I suppose.
This farm has a duck pond to walk around, and a chicken coop to watch the goofy chickens. They offer hay rides around the orchard if you are a lazy doof, or have small, uncooperative children. There is a store on site that offers pre-picked apples, candy apples, apple cider doughnuts, and apple cider. There is also a bunch of arts and crafts for that crafty nerd in yer family. Just outside the store you can buy a grilled brat soaked in apple cider.
In the middle of the orchard are some taller, non-fruit bearing trees that have a couple of tire swings that are fun to monkey around on.
This year we went on October 8th, and everyone was there. Parking was a huge pain in the rearus endus. When we got out to the apple trees it became apparent they had been well picked over already, and the remainder looked like franken-apples, mostly rotted, and scary looking.
This was a reminder to go earlier in the season, more like the end of September.