Managed interns from there many years back and found them ill prepared, but most recently my daughter enrolled there and eventually left whe it was clear that there was no light at the end of this expensive tunnel...and this is the subject of my review.
The institute (now called a college as a result of some reorganization...I suspect financial)is, in my mind, in the same general category as the Art Institute...pack 'em in, load up the loans and promise the sun, the moon, and the stars. Tons of money has been invested in infrastructure to give the illusion of a 'college', but the programs seem substandard and would probably benefit from an investment equivalent to that made in erecting buildings and polishing of outward appearance.
The integrity of an any program rests with the talent, experience and integrity of the faculty who run it. Ask good people to cut corners, dilute the instruction and turn the crank to churn out ill-prepared graduates, and they will eventually follow their consciences and leave..and many talented instructors seem to have done just that.
Do your homework.