My first time to Vegas on this past Thanksgiving with my brother's family; we had a 9 and 4 year old and us three adults. A must do.
Go as early as possible. If you are in the area it can be good to buy your tickets and then go the next day or later that day. That way you don't have to wait in two lines.
When you first get passed the entrance they take your picture. They did 3 different poses.
(1) Everybody
(2) Just the boys
(3) Everyone looking scared at the huge (pretend) Shark above our heads.
I thought this was a clever business decision. Get 'em in the door take their pic, give them a ticket to view/buy as you exit the aquarium. Brilliant! I have always encountered the option to take the pic. They just do it!
As you begin to walk through you first encounter the lizards and snakes...we breezed by them although the komodo was pretty cool.
Highlight: Viewing/Touching pool (with one finger) stingrays. The boys couldn't get enough. They took out the singers so no danger. Watching the octopus move around was pretty fascinating as well. Walking through the tunnels whiles sharks and turtles swim over your head is cool.
They keep you in suspense, the sharks are the last exhibit you encounter. The whole experience is about an hour and worth it. If you are staying longer than 2 or 3 days - DO IT. This is a must if you are with children.