| - This was my first time ever going to a state fair, so my preconceived notions were limited to carnival-like food and games. I had no expectations beyond that.
I researched before going and discovered that they offer several money-saving ways to enjoy the fair; all details can be found on their website. We decided to go on a Saturday morning, when you get $2 entry if you arrive prior to noon, and there is free parking at the state Capitol. (I saw signs for parking charging up to $20. Although the fair only charged like $10.) There were comfy coaches waiting to take us from the Capitol to the fair, and there were fair workers on site at the Capitol parking lot to assist.
Once inside the fair, I was initially overwhelmed. It was a much bigger affair than what I had imagined. Food vendors by the tons, merchants galore, and some really cool rides. We decided to ride first and eat later.
They had some pretty neat rides, for a fair. Mini-roller coasters, a huge slide (my fav!), bumper cars, a water log ride, the tower, and lots of spinning rides. Lots. I had mucho fun on the all rides except the one with Poseidon in the front. I was no good after that ride (lots of hard spinning, and you have no control over yourself. If you're with a child, make sure they sit on the inside -to your right, so the force doesn't cause you to crush them). There is an area with rides strictly for little ones, just like at an amusement park.
Aside from the rides, they had attractions such as bungee jumping. We watched from below as brave ladies took on that dare. Everyone survived. Good times. Oh, and avoid any rides that go through doors, like the zombie "house", etc. It's literally a room and it lasts all of 5 seconds. Don't waste your tickets.
For those who don't know me, I must prelude the food section by saying that I am vegan. That being said, my food experience is limited. I had eaten before coming because I assumed there'd be nothing but junk food. I was right, for the most part, however, I did see someone selling a veggie burger. I pigged out on garlic fries (ask them to hold the Parmesan cheese if you're vegan or lactose intolerant), soft pretzels sans butter, Icees, shaved ice, candy apples, fried Oreos (Yes, Oreos are naturally vegan.), and Dole Whip. The stand which sold the Dole Whip also had Butter Beer! It's not vegan, but as a HP fan, it was pretty freggin cool to see! I do not know about cross-contamination and all that, so if you're THAT kind of vegan, just steer clear. Also, there were racks and racks of animal flesh, mainly by the turkey leg stands. I'm THAT type of vegan, so I had to shuffle swiftly to keep from getting sick from the smell and sights.
Live Animals.
Speaking of getting sick, near the kiddie rides, I smelled something and when I went to inspect I stumbled upon barns with lots and lots of farm animals, some of which were being sold. It was heartbreaking: the conditions, the looks of fear and sadness on the cows, chickens, and piglets, the latter of whom were all snuggled up together - shaking. And they labeled the pigs, "swine." That entire spectacle ruined my whole fair experience. I was later informed that this is what fairs are about. Really? I had NO idea. It was too much for me and my DD, who told me that she'd never go vegan, but after seeing that she has since changed her stance.
After the depression partially subsided, we played more games to release some anger. Just like carnivals, the games are designed for you to lose, so take heed. I spent way too much money trying to win a big wolf and a unicorn. Nonetheless, we did have fun and that's what matters most.
All rides and games required tickets.
We started with 50 tickets, thinking that would be enough for the day. HAHA After being bamboozled at the first attraction, which gobbled 14 tickets from us for 14 seconds of "WTF was that?", followed by the next ride, which was actually really fun, we were out of tickets! Between the rides and the games, this continued all night. $325 later (in just tickets; not including the food), for just 2 of us; we could've gone to Disneyland. They offer deals on the rides, food, and games on certain days. That is the best deal for anyone who's really into the games and rides.
Excluding the animal incident, we had a 4-star good time. The girls and I got henna tattoos, did some shopping at the Zion booth (where they sold Bob Marley everything), rode and ate until we were ready to pop and drop. The lines for food and rides were long, but went quickly. It's pricey, so be prepared to spend or come with the mindset of how much you're willing to spend and stick to it, no matter how much you want to claim that prize. As an animal lover, it was a 0 star experience. If that barn had been in the front, I would've done an about-face and saved myself hundreds of dollars that day. Sadly, unless they nix the animal abuse, I cannot support this event in the future.