I got a slightly bad feeling when I walked in to pick up our carry out order. It smelled like sewage! There were three servers chit chatting in the front and one quickly pointed to the bar when I told the I was picking up. The small bar was fairly full, and lots of conversations going on. I had to stand behind two people who were really involved in conversation and I was practically on top of them and awkward. The bar tender didn't acknowledge me for a few minutes even though she looked right at me. Finally she grabbed my order and was super rude. She was definitely having a bad day. The place was empty other than the bar, and I don't know why they don't use the servers who aren't busy to take care of the carry out orders!?
Finally got home with the food. Wow. My husband opened his Jumbo Smoked Chicken dinner. It was quite small, and just unappealing altogether. Posted a photo of it, check it out. The taste was like "rubbery ham". GROSS. Next I opened my smoked chicken breast sandwich. Bun = hard, meat = full of fat chunks and gristle, sauce = the cheapest bottle at the store . Had to take off more than half of the "meat". You can get better meat in precooked packages at the grocery store.
I will never eat here again and can not believe people go here at all. NASTY.