All I ever hear from New Yorkers is how amazing Shake Shack is, so I had to try this place. The line was long. The menu is only located where you stand in line and not where you order. Food is pre-made sitting under heat lamps. Even the sodas were already in containers, losing their carbonation awaiting to be ordered.
Smokeshack - I'm so glad I ordered a double because they are small greaseballs! The bacon could have been crispier. The brioche bun was a nice touch but was soaking in the burger grease. It was a good burger, not great. I would equate it to a burger at Wendy's.
Cheese fries - the cheese was semi cold by the time I got my order.
Seating - limited. This place is really small.
20 minutes after dining at Shake Shack, I was siting on the toilet praying to Jesus to make the diarrhea stop. Would I come back? No! In-N-Out wins this round hands down!