| - Rented this comfortable unit over 4 yrs. and have had ups and downs, but today it became clear the Vintage "mgt" never heard of a wet/dry vacuum that sucks up water from overly wet areas ...instead when cleaning the upstairs unit for a new tenant, the Vintage cleaner sloshed filthy water over the upstairs balcony onto my clean patio, soaking and ruining my silk pointsettias, and several live plants which adorned the patio ledge, as I was trying to move my plants to the patio floor I was soaked with dirty water pouring down from the balcony...this went on for several minutes, not an isolated event....she also threw a garbage bag and 2 1/2 ft. pieces of rigid plastic over the balcony, just missing my patio....I yelled for her to stop, but she said she had to clean the patio upstairs , "it's only water" she my place is filthy from the dirty water she dumped over on my patio!! I know NALS will not pay for the plants they waterlogged/ ruined, nor the area carpet I had on the patio floor. When I phoned the office , staff said the cleaning person had to clean the patio-- ...Has NALS never heard of using a wet/dry vacuum? Instead they are cleaning as if this was in a third world country decades ago! Vintage at the Lakes was FORMERLY a really nice apt. complex--now they are only interested in rent $$ from new tenants and not focusing on the needs of their long-term tenants. Sad, as this unit is really nice!