I've been here a couple times to pick up outdoor gear. It's always been a positive experience. The staff are avid outdoorsy people themselves and can offer some solid advice; many of them actually use the products they sell. The store has a decent selection of stuff but is limited by their space (they are relatively smaller compared to their competition like Sail, MEC, etc.). Their prices may also tend to be slightly higher (Sail tends to offer deeper sales/promos/discounts, while MEC generally has lower prices when not considering any promos), so make sure you cross-shop. A minus is that these guys don't have any sort of online facility to check their inventory (when will they get out of the stone age?). The nice thing is that these guys will sometimes do friends & family sales, coinciding with SportChek's, and you can save 20% on almost anything in store, which is something you don't really get at any of their competitors.