The store itself is clean and aesthetically pleasing. My first experience here was great. I was looking for new eye creams and the lady was able to explain the benefits for each type of line. She even provided samples for me. I ended up purchasing a birthday present for my roommate.
My second experience when I went to return an item that I purchased at the Biltmore location was unpleasant. The lady at the register saw that I purchased it from another location and started to explain how they don't like it when people don't return items to the original location because it affects their sales (metrics). She went on further by inquiring why I wanted to return the item, which I answered, followed by more questions. This could've come off of as her trying to make sure I was using the product correctly and gave it enough time for it to work. However, the intonation in her voice and her comment proceeding this.. I don't think there was any other way I could've taken this. I left the store feeling uncomfortable and guilty.
Please provide better training to your staff. There are some things that should and should not be said to a customer.