I knew a few things before I came to Wash Wizard. I knew my car desperately needed a car wash. I knew $8 for a car wash probably meant an automated wash. I knew that with all these positive reviews on Yelp, my odds were good that it would at least be decent.
I didn't know what I'd have 6 people handscrubbing my car while it cruised in neutral through the automated wash and then have another 3 guys hand drying my car after making my way through the air dryer.
Was Wash Wizard the best car wash I've ever put my car through? Of course not. Hell, if I had the time and was back home, I'd wash the car myself. But it most certainly was the best $8 I've ever spent on a mostly automated carwash. I'm also guessing I lucked out by arriving at a time with no line, but having that many people on hand to manually wash a car... I imagine they do pretty good business at other times. I'm impressed.