The zoo gets four stars because it's the zoo. But that's not to say it isn't without problems: it is.
It's a long day. The Canadian Domain is down the big hill, and when you get there there's nothing worth seeing except the grizzly bears which both show signs of mental illness due to captivity. They both walk back and forth along the same path over and over - I watched for 30 minutes, until it broke my heart.
I don't even like bears - they kill people regularity. For me to feel sympathy for one was shocking. But there it was.
Now, I know - zoos are seen as negative by a lot of people due to captivity. That doesn't bother me - but when the enclosures are incredibly small, even though there's more than enough property expand them, that's unforgivable.
However - they now have Smokes poutine which charges about the same in the park as outside the park - so that's excellent value.
Four stars.