My phone upgrade is available on 1/16, which is 10 days from today. I went in to find out if I could upgrade, and was told by the manager that I would have to come back in 10 days, or I could pay $20 a month for a new phone. Really??? You have a customer that is willing to drop $300 on a new phone, and you're going to send them away and ask them to come back in 10 days. I have been a Verizon customer for 5+ years, but the customer service level at Verizon has become ridiculous. I am extremely disappointed in their level of service and care towards my situation. I spend $186 per month on service, which equates to a little over $2,200 a year. The executives of Verizon Wireless can thank their Manager at this store location for losing me as a customer, and my $2,200 a year.