If your a vegan just stop reading now ..... cause this place is not for you ~ although there are some beautiful side dishes you could eat. I wanna tell the rest of you about the perfectly cooked dry aged beef , specifically the 22 oz medium rare bone in ribeye I shared with the hubby. Get ready to groan out loud cause its perfection in every bite. Can't gush enough! We went simple with a shared chopped salad and a baked potato the size of a child's arm.... smothered with gobs of butter, sour cream, chives and wait for it ... bacon . Now I must confess this isn't a low calorie meal BUT it was a marvelous treat. The entire bill was around a $100 bucks with a piece of slap your mama chocolate cake. Yep so when you wanna put down the kale smoothie and rice cakes make yourself a reservation and GO. Darling service staff . Did I mention we were in shorts and flip flops and NOBODY bated an eye . Do It.