If you can avoid this place, do it. You have been warned. I came into the ER one night with a minor injury and my first reaction was to how dirty the waiting room was. And had smelly people who were either talking to themselves, sketching out, or yelling at the nurse.
I found a corner and disinfected my seat and sat down to wait. I waited 7 hours to be seen. No lie.
In the meantime, the room filled up with the scariest disease-ridden people I have ever seen. I was convinced by the time I left that I would have an unknown disease caught from one of these people. I got the impression that this hospital was where anyone who didn't have insurance came. I did, but didn't know better since I was there working.
The people who worked there were nice but I couldn't understand why they seemed so busy with so few people in the room.
Anyway, you were warned. Stay away! St. Rose is much better.