Our Yorkshire Terrior, Taz, was attacked by a German Sheperd on March of 2011. In a frantic search for help, we took Taz to the emergency clinic next to AVS. The emergency vet took great care of him and he survived the brutal attack. We found out from the emergency vet that Taz had multiple broken bones on his left leg along with cut and brusies.
Not knowing better and thinking that we need to set the broken bones in place, we went next door to AVS and met Dr Enwiller. She gave us two treatment options. First was to use the steel plates to set the bones. Second was amputation of the leg. Of course we went for the first option. (Knowing what we know now, we should gone with another treatment option - external fixation) Taz came out of the sugery with a big bandage. This was the high light of our experience with AVS.
When we went back for post op visit, Taz had infection and swelling above the incision of surgery site. This was the start of the complications after surgery. Taz had the second surgery to resolve complications from the first surgery. This surgery revealed that the steel plates were so big that the bones had no chance to heal. This misjudgement on Dr Enwiller led to more complcations for Taz. Taz had to go through yet another surgery but from a different surgeon and is doing well but we keep on thinking about what could have been for our boy Taz...Pkease avoid AVS and Dr E.