| - As far as walk in clinics go, this is my Favourite in the general area. The receptionist is the sweetest young lady, sympathetic and patient, informative, and has turned a blind eye to a doctors note fee for me once. The older male doc is my fave, I forget his name, but he's great. Takes time to listen, really takes into account all your symptoms. The young female doc is very by the book, a little more time efficient though. I've only had one impatient doctor here, a young to middle aged male, and he basically diagnosed me in two minutes.
The pharmacy is literally like 5 feet to the right of the clinic, and they're helpful too, they work like a team. Overall, I really like coming here for my walk ins, and it's a bit tricky with all the construction going on to get here, but I keep coming back here and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.