| - If you tell me there is a worse electronics company on planet earth, you'd have to work long and hard to convince me. Trust me, this is the worst. Check this out:
I have a JVC HD ILA projector that routinely cuts off after about an hour of use. This happens EVERY TIME. Took it to VAS on E. Charleston Blvd. They kept the unit 4 days and said "no problem found." Brought it home, same problem. Called VAS, spoke with the owner (Bita or Mita, not sure which). She asked me to bring the projector back to them. After about 3 more days of diagnostics, I was told the unit is fine; there's nothing wrong with the unit. Mita suggested changing the HDMI cable and DTV Genie box. I did at considerable expense. Same problem. Mita told me to focus on the receiver, a Denon. I sent the Denon to George Meyer in Los Angeles (another crook). Said I needed to replace the HDMI board and other smaller things (capacitors, resistors, etc.). Total cost with shipping near $1,000. Unit returned to me, same problem as before. Please note that Meyer kept my unit almost 3 months, claiming parts backorders. Meyer told me to send it back to them. They kept it another 5 weeks, returned it to me, same problem. I then hired Solid State Electric (great company). They came to my home to troubleshoot. Spent the better part of the day, witnessed the shutdown first hand; told me 100% certain that the problem was with the PROJECTOR. Back to square one and almost $2,000 later. Called JVC back. They were the company that initially told me to take it to VAS, now they recommended sending it to Mendtronix in Poway, CA. Mendtronix send me a long list of problems with the projector; not the least of which was that the filter was completely and totally plugged. Also, 2 of the 3 fans stopped working altogether, and the third fan barely worked. The Mendtronix rep could not believe that VAS found NOTHING WRONG after 2 multiple-day visits. She basically said that even the most incompetent technician would notice that the filter was completely plugged, and the fans not working. Mendtronix fix will now cost me just under $1,000 for a total cost of about $2,500. It has been almost 7 months now that I am without a home theatre system. If anyone can explain to me what the people at Video Audio Specialists did while diagnosing my projector for a total of 7-8 days, I'd like to hear it. Take your equipment to this company at your own risk. Last note: I left multiple messages for Mita/Bita to call me back, and am still waiting.