Very Strange experience with Alta Vista. Brought my dog to Alta after I found him passed out near dead after returning home from work one evening.
The staff immediately responded and ran some tests. After some time and $400 later, they could find nothing wrong with him. Nothing wrong other than the fact that he was near death.
The best thing they could come up with was he was either hit by a car. (not sure how that could happen as he is either in my apartment or on a leash near my side) or maybe he got into poison. Really? I cannot remember having any poison scattered around my apartment.. Or maybe he ate a poisoned house plant. Sorry, I have one bamboo plant that is not poisonous.
They suggested running more tests, confident that he would be okay, until they learned that I was out of funds. Then the conversation turned to putting my dog down. Really? There is hope until the funding runs out then there is nothing that can be done. I really wonder how much this hospital would have extracted from me if I had the money. People are willing to spend any amount of money to save their pet and I would have too if I had the means.
Either there is hope to save an animals life or there is not. It should not depend on how much money one has. I do not expect anyone to work for free. I could have taken a withdrawal from my 401K if needed but by that point the hospital was being "honest" with me and advised putting my dog down.
My warning is be careful with this place. They seem to me more compassionate to the customers wallet than to the animal.