I had to write a review because the staff at this location deserves major kudos for customer service!
The warning light went on AGAIN while I was driving. Since I couldn't use my phone to use Yelp, it was Google Assistant to the rescue! Sooo I asked, 'OK Google, where's the nearest Discount Tire?"my phone answered me with nearest location that was 4 minutes away. So boom I arrived within closing time with 17 minutes to spare..
There's a section dedicated for low air tire check and a HUGE sign above saying it's FREE. So I parked there.
Everyone in the bay was busy cleaning up for the day, but I was acknowledged by this guy with a nice smile as soon as I opened my door. :D
I was apologetic cause I knew they were about to shut down, but he shot that nice smile and said "No worries!" Yay!
No less than 5 minutes, all my tires were filled with air, he gave me a chart with my tire tread assessment. Thanked me for coming in and offered to help direct this old lady back out of the bay...how sweet. None of that upsell or solicitation whatsoever.. Been a customer of Discount Tire(s) in Henderson forever, glad I can count on this chain wherever I go.