Something is not right with this place. I train dogs and have for 8 yes. More out of the love of doing it than anything else. A couple weeks back I saw a lady post on Facebook that there was 3 puppies that she was trying to catch abandoned in El Mirage. It was on my way home so I swung by to help. When I got there she had a 3 but couldn't keep them. I took them home then set out trying to find homes for them. They were all small puppies and I was quickly contacted by Roxy's Rescues. She said she could and take them all. I looked up the rescue and it seemed small but fine. She had a friend come get them the next day. Fast forward a week and a half...
I am scrolling through fb and see one of the babies I found on Straydar. It says she was found on the 22cnd on 7th St. ????? I post asking if she is from Roxy's? Immediately I get a PM from the lady who runs Roxy's telling me her own dog had passed and she needed help from Angi. ....ok no problem I tell her I was happy yo see her face. I ask her what the 7th St is all about. This is when things got weird. The lady from Roxy's curses at me telling me to let it go. The lady from AZSDR tells me she has no idea who I am.talking too that the dog was found and was never with another rescue. I was told at one point from Roxy's she was fixed. AZSDR tells me not yet. Something is odd here. Finally the lady from AZSDR tells me that I found the was like they were trying to get their stories straight. I hate that I let this poor baby get picked up and bounced all around. The other 2 were adopted, but this baby girl is do scared. Something is off......