Lorena and the rest of her team are completely useless. While I waited 20 min for my burrito, I saw 3 major issues. First, there were two kids yelling and screaming at each other without a parent. They eventually hit a random women in the back if the head which made her spill the hot sauce on her lap. When the woman complained, a side employee came out and walked over to the kids. No apology, no correction of the kids, just a blank stare.
Second was the assistant running the food. She had no idea what each order had and made several trips for each person. When she wasn't running food she was hanging out with her friend at a table. This leads to the 3rd, my burrito, which sat there for over 15 min on the countertop getting cold. All I wanted was a fast burrito in Arcadia and this is what I had to deal with. I really hope the construction at 44th or 32 puts them wakes the owner up so he can hire people who actually care.