We're visiting Scottsdale from the Bay Area in California. We stopped by this Safeway for a quick SB run and snack before hitting Taliesin West. Overall, its a pretty nifty Safeway so 4 stars! Lots of things to like:
1. Solar Panel covers in the main lot. I could only imagine grocery shopping with your car under the brutal Arizona sun. These panels keep your car cool during the day and generate electricity to power the lights at night (I presume)
2. Most Safeways have a nice deli and buffet to for chicken wings with different flavors. But how many have a seating area with leather seats, tables, and a TV! Also, adjacent restroom. Nice!
3. Chicken wings themselves were decent.
4. Starbucks booth had quick and friendly service. Since Arizona has most days sunny, go for the Cold Brew!