Oreganoes? My second visit to the Mesa restaurant. Guess what? Chicken but I like it. It's not great; it's kinda fun but not like a merry-go-round kinda fun (that's like one of the bests next to roller coasters! Oh emm gee!). It also has a fairly horrific... I mean fairly terrific patio and a good patio goes a long *insert expletive* way. For whatever reason, maybe something to do with the damp dark basement I had to eat my dinners alone in as a wee lad after spilling a gallon of paint on the garage floor (I did it quite often. It made the garage prettier.), I would prefer to eat at a patio table over a table inside any day of the year, even an August in Phoenix metro area or a rainy day (if it's covered). This one in Mesa is covered even though the two times I've been there the weather was beautifully moderate. Another wonderful thing about patios is... that in civilized places you can smoke however, this is Mesa. It does have a fire pit though for those cold nights when the company you're with isn't quite warm enough.
This second visit of mine I met a few friends from school who were devouring a 's-wonderful thin crusted pizza topped 's-marvelous bits of mushrooms and smothered in a 's-awful-ly nice blanket of cheese. Tasty (without and exclamation mark). The food that I've tried is fairly mediocre; not bad but not great. I mostly had a couple of Kilt Lifters while they ate their delectably edible giant frisbee.
The first time I went was with a few friends and this one dwarfish guy that reminds me of sharp pointy things and dull wit but mostly I was able to ignore Gimli because of the scrumptious Turkey Stuffed. Ordering from the menu was a bit of a sensory overload, though. That menu has stuff going on! Over here and over there and don't forget this just passed that. Egads!
The service was fair and friendly both times and the food was brought out in a timely fashion. And this most recent time we were cursin' up a storm too. It was like a brothel full of sailors on the patio that afternoon which I think the Mormon family next to us appreciated more than we did.
The food = meh
The patio and service = pretty good.
Look! it's my first A-OK.