This isn't fancy gourmet food, so for people who come with a "I'm better than this" attitude, please calm down. Is it cheap? Yes, it is. You can't expect Michelin Star dining when you're paying $3 for breakfast.
Ok, my rant is over. Like I was saying, food is cheap. But it's good. Their breakfast isn't anything to rave about. You can get a small breakfast with potatoes, sausage links and eggs for $2. You can also get a side of waffles for $1 with jam and whipped cream. Only thing I'm not fond of is the fake powdered eggs. I do enjoy their lunch items more. There's their famous meatball plate that's $5.99 and a salmon plate for the same price as well. It's a lot of food too so you are really getting your moneys worth. They also have desserts with my favorite being their cinnamon rolls. Best part is that if you have their Ikea family club card (free to join btw), you get a free coffee or hot tea with every visit.
The facility is wide and spacious with lots of tables and an awesome view outside with their glass walls. There is always an employee walking around and wiping up tables, so I appreciate the cleanliness. Employees are friendly and seem to enjoy their jobs. I'll definitely be back for some more meatballs.