My husband and I got suckered into going to this timeshare presentation by an employee at the Luxor. We were mislead by her information. My husband and I do not make over $50,000 and even though we told her, she said it would be okay to check the box for $50,000 and above. She made it seem like all we had to do was go see a presentation and we'd get two tix for the show of our choice. She also said it would take 2 hours but it didn't. During the presentation, the woman leading it said many times, that we would not be pressured to purchase a timeshare but that was bull. My husband and i told the sales rep. that was assigned to us that we weren't interested in purchasing a t.s that day and he seemed to understand but he said he still had to do his job and show us around. Obviously he didn't understand since he tried pressuring us to buy a t.s after the tour. We only brought enough money to watch shows and spend in Vegas. After telling the sales rep. that we were still trying to pay off loans and bills and that we didn't think that it would be wise for us to carelessly spend our money, especially when we still have other important expenses, he was still pressuring us by telling us some bull about how important it is to vacation and blah blah blah. We do understand the importance of vacationing but how are we supposed to enjoy vacations when we know that we're broke because of the payment for the time share. After seeing that my husband and i were not buying into it, he brought this Stan Lee look a like manager who was such a jerk. His name was Jeff and he should be fired for his attitude. I told them that they were making me feel pressured and the manager said that if I was feeling pressured that it was pressure within myself because he wasn't pressuring me. I wanted to get the hell out of there before I punched that old man. These people were horrible and they ruined my trip to Vegas. They will not take no for an answer. I'm just glad my husband was strong enough not to fall for this crap, especially when he looked online and saw that he could purchase a timeshare for about $100, rather than the $30k that these representatives tried throwing at us.