I am very irritated about my most recent trip to Michael's. I am a frequent craft store shopper, and have been a customer at this location for some time. So you will understand my irritation when after shopping for almost 2 hours and filling a cart with everything from paint to picture frames, I was told that there is a 20% off sale tomorrow... The catch is that I either had to forgo the discount and purchase my things today, or leave my full cart and come back tomorrow. I requested that they hold my things until they open tomorrow so that I can adhere to their policy of not offering a discount on previously purchased items. I was told that they were unwilling to do that.
My irritation is not at their policy exactly, which is not very customer focused or accommodating, but more with the staff. Had I been informed of their 20% sale when I entered the store, I would have certainly forgone today's trip and come tomorrow to better spend my 2 hours of browsing and shopping time. Due to the total dollar amount (over $100) that I was planning to spend, the discount is significant... Needless to say I left my full cart and plan to stop by tomorrow. Since I have no desire to spend the same amount of time again, I will most likely scale down and get the necessities.
Not only did they miss out on a high dollar sale, but they have lost a customer as well, I will be going to the one on eastern instead. It's the principal and the lack of customer service.