I think the employees of this store have extra brain damage than other Walmarts. I had to wait 30 minutes on the phone just to get an answer of if they have more than 5 wax scents of the GLADE BRAND wax melts. The stupid lady on the phone that kept calling me miss was like yes the manager said we have over 20. I get there and they have no glade brand. Just the crappy Walmart better home that you have to use 2 melts which I specifically told the lady I don't want the Walmart brand. I'm half tempted to send them a receipt for the gas and time they've wasted me. I know Walmart has awful customer service but this is crap. Anytime I ever ask where anything is inside of the store nobody knows and I have to find it myself or they tell me they don't carry it and then I end up finding it myself and then I'm like I thought you guys don't.carry this and they just have this blank store. Stay in school kids.