So a little background information I'm from Indiana/Kentucky and I've been to numerous Goodwills throughout those 2 states.
This one is exactly DOUBLE the price of the stores out east. All dresses here are $10 and they were always and I mean always $5 where I'm from, even amazing glitterama dresses. I have one such dress that I bought that I could probably easily sell for a few hundred dollars if I fix the small tatter at the bottom. Granted there were never any sales back home just a great value everyday of the week, which I prefer over madhouse shopping on 50% off days which is actually just bringing you to the fair price that most every other Goodwill in America charges (I can't speak for California).
Which brings me to the question, Why does the Valley try to scam poor or poorer people so much? I break it down to supply and demand. There are just so many people on a shoestring budget that they are able to bring up the prices the demand is so great for thrifty items. It is a little out of hand though here in the valley at ALL thrift stores. It probably has been this way for a long time so no one really has a comparison of what a thrift store should cost.
I will save my money and shop at the plethora of yard sales before I go to these rip off thrift stores.