On any given day you will find the following at Bickford Park; kids and adults alike playing soccer or baseball, people running, picnicking, dogs and their owners using the off leash area for play and, me, observing it all! I love Bickford for many reasons; one of which being the hordes of pooches I can watch, which are my only outlet for pet-ownerism as my landlord doesn't allow animals...sigh....moving on...
The park itself, the way it is actually laid out is a great testament to its' use. It's basically like a large bowl; the street and walk-about path are situated above, allowing for great views of the entire park and the CN tower on a good day.
Having the park itself on the bottom allows for the dogs to run around off-leash without running off and gives the kiddies a safe place to get out their wiggles. A fun multi-use park in the warmer months, and an awesome, safe tobaggon hill in the winter!