On Friday Nov 17 I was to have my pool cover cleaned . The company sent over a Hispanic cleaning guy who put a solution on the cover sprayed water in the sunken area while using a pool brush and vacuum he brushed off most of the superficial dirt and siphoned the water and some dirt off the cover. I noticed he was sweating profusely and had to take a breath every 1-2 minutes of brushing indicating he was out of shape. after about 20 minutes he stated to me that he wasn't going to be able to get all the stains out. I asked "really" ? I promptly went into the home and picked up a sponge, came out and lightly went over a small area that was suppositly stained and the dirt came right off. the cleaning guy looked at me and stated he wasn't going to get down on his hands and knees. I stated back that for $ 475.00 if he didn't I wasn't going to pay him. He told he he would then finish the sunken area and leave. I stated that that was fine!
Covers are great however u may be better off cleaning them yourself!