I read all of the reviews before coming here so I had an idea this course would be in rough shape, however it's hard to turn down a $10 greens fee with cart.
The first hole was OK, but after that it was all downhill. There seriously is like a sewer that goes through the middle of this course so it stinks really bad. It had rained a week prior and the "creek" washed a bunch of trash in with it. I lost a few drives, not because they were in the rough, but because I couldn't tell what was a ball and what was a piece of trash. I wasn't the only one either, I picked up several balls around the course that earlier players had given up on.
I found the following items:
- A beat up chair
- 3 tennis shoes
- Tons and tons of trash
Also the houses surrounding the course are pretty rough and many of the owners have some sort of angry dog (how fitting).
I can't say I'll come back here, even though the price is cheap, the frustration of losing balls well hit makes me too angry.