DIRTY! DIRTY! DIRTY! Every time I come to this port of subs it's a little worse every time. Let me start by saying that your staff is actually very nice. They were trying to move the line as quickly as possible and they apologized for the wait. They were all working hard to get to the customers.
I'm going to say that the problem here is the management. Every time I come in here there is always new people. I couldn't even finish my sand which because as I waited in line I noticed all the dirt. The whole place is dirty, dust everywhere. The ovens have a ton of dust bunnies which with the AC in here I'm sure fly into the food. The edges of where you keep the Coke are also full of dust and dirty.
The final straw for me was when I saw a dead cockroach on the floor. On top of that your floors are also black like they haven't been moped in a while.
I hope this review doesn't fall on the staff rather than the actual problem which is management & upper management. You can't expect people to do a good job with out the good training and tools!
To the staff working on 05/20/2016 around 1:30 you guys did a great job. I noticed your hard work. I hope you get the training and tools you need to succeed.
Thank you for your customer service. I'm sorry that your management has failed you.